

Version: 0.1.13 Type: application

Run ipfs cluster along with kubo (go-ipfs)


Key Type Default Description
cluster.affinity object {}  
cluster.extraEnv list []  
cluster.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"  
cluster.image.repository string "ipfs/ipfs-cluster"  
cluster.image.tag string "latest"  
cluster.imagePullSecrets list []  
cluster.nameOverride string ""  
cluster.nodeSelector object {}  
cluster.podSecurityContext object {}  
cluster.resources object {}  
cluster.service.type string ""  
cluster.storage.storageClassName string ""  
cluster.storage.volumeSize string ""  
cluster.tolerations list []  
fullnameOverride string ""  
ingress.annotations object {}  
ingress.className string ""  
ingress.enabled bool false  
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"  
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"  
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific"  
ingress.tls list []  
ipfs.affinity object {}  
ipfs.customCommand list [] Command replacement for the container
ipfs.extraArgs list [] Additional args for the container
ipfs.extraEnv list [] Additional env variables
ipfs.extraVolumeMounts list [] Additional volume mounts
ipfs.extraVolumes list [] Additional volumes
ipfs.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"  
ipfs.image.repository string "ipfs/kubo"  
ipfs.image.tag string "latest"  
ipfs.imagePullSecrets list []  
ipfs.initContainers list [] Additional init containers
ipfs.initScripts.”001-peers.sh” string See values.yaml Scripts that will run in an init container before the ipfs node starts. This is useful to setup some configuration parameters
ipfs.nameOverride string ""  
ipfs.nodeSelector object {}  
ipfs.podSecurityContext object {}  
ipfs.resources object {}  
ipfs.service.type string "ClusterIP"  
ipfs.storage.storageClassName string ""  
ipfs.storage.volumeSize string ""  
ipfs.tolerations list []  
p2pNodePort.enabled bool true  
p2pNodePort.initContainer.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Container pull policy
p2pNodePort.initContainer.image.repository string "lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectl" Container image to fetch nodeport information
p2pNodePort.initContainer.image.tag string "v1.25.4" Container tag
p2pNodePort.nodePort int 32000  
podAnnotations object {}  
rbac.clusterRules list See values.yaml Required ClusterRole rules
rbac.create bool true Specifies whether RBAC resources are to be created
rbac.rules list See values.yaml Required ClusterRole rules
replicaCount int 1  
securityContext object {}  
service.type string "ClusterIP"  
serviceAccount.annotations object {}  
serviceAccount.create bool true  
serviceAccount.name string ""  
sharedSecret string ""  

Based on: https://github.com/monaparty/helm-ipfs-cluster